
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The other day we were drinking our coffee at The Mugg & Bean and we had our normal waitress. I thought to myself it’s weird that she is always at this place everyday.  Well obviously she is here everyday, she works here, so she gets up every morning and goes to The Mugg & Bean. I thought that seems really boring. I wonder if she thinks it is boring doing the same job all day, everyday. Then I realized, wait, I get up every morning and go to the same place and do the same things everyday at our school.
It’s our ministry but the principal and teachers don’t think of us as missionaries. To them we are simply volunteers. Most of them don’t really understand why we are there or what we are even doing with our lives. They just think we are there to be extra crowd control and help out.
I could choose to let that be all.
I could just go into that school and just do what they ask of me but that’s kind of impossible when Jesus is involved.
If Jesus lives inside of you, you can’t contain His love and light.
They might think I am there to type papers, pass out lunches, help heard the children from one place to another, and do other odds and ends but those certainly are not the only reasons I’m there…I’m there to speak life into those precious children, to declare freedom in those classrooms, to whisper prayers as I rub little backs and wipe snotty noses, to bring hope and to give love to those who have never experienced it.
I am there to shine the light that only Jesus can provide.I am there to give them what He has given me.  
Last week, I was sick and missed a few days of school. When the girls came home the first day they told me that Teacher Tasneem had made lots of comments about how much she missed me. The next day, when I still wasn’t there, Tasneem said again how much she really missed me and that when I was in the classroom something was just different, better, and happy. Samantha said “Carly… She missed Jesus in her classroom today. She doesn’t even know it but she misses JESUS!!”
Even though they don’t all know what it is, they know that what we have is different. They are drawn to us, but it’s not us they see, it’s all Him.
He wants to show people His awesome love and He wants to use us to do it…even when we least expect it.
Some of the girls and I were hanging out with my mama and my aunt Lisa the other day on Skype. Lisa’s back had been in pain and mama said, oh, while we are on the computer we should pray for Lisa’s back. So, we all joined together and asked for Jesus to heal her back pain. All of a sudden, Lisa starts saying “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, ahh!!” We knew what was happening! Sure enough, the Holy Spirit was touching Lisa. Her back got cold then hot then tingly and then it was “not just fine. MORE than fine. Its better than ever!!”
The following day, I was having a normal conversation with my friend Catherine on the phone. After we had talked for a while, I remembered about Lisa and shared the story with Catherine. She was like well I want to pray for my hurt shoulder to be healed. We prayed right then over the phone and God did it again!! That night, Catherine went to sleep with NO pain in her shoulder for the first time in 5 years!!
Seriously? I just thought I was going to talk with my mom and Lisa. I didn’t expect him to do something like heal her over the computer. The same with my phone call with Catherine. It wasn’t like I asked God to show up or do big things before I got on the phone. He just did because He is so dang cool.
I was processing the awesomeness that day and God was like “Carly, you didn’t even ask me to be involved in either of those conversations but it didn’t stop me from showing up. SO imagine how much more I would show up if you just asked me.”
Life is our mission field!!
You don’t have to be anywhere special, say anything special, do anything special, or even be someone special because it’s none of that that even matters.
It’s simply Jesus and He desires to be present in every aspect of our lives. 

So, let’s let Him in even more than we thought was possible.
Let’s ask Him to show up.
Lets ask Him to be present in every phone call, every appointment, every car ride, every workday, every conversation, EVERY ANYTHING and every time that we think its impossible, lets thank Him for nothing is impossible with Him.

Let’s ask Him for every ordinary thing to turn into an extraordinary story all for His glory.


6 responses to “nothing special”

  1. Yes, He is awesome! It is amazing what He does in all those “nothing special” times in our lives. I love you, Carly.

  2. Carly….sweet Carly….He has given you perfect Wisdom! And a pure heart! I love you!

  3. Sounds like a great reminder to keep an open active invitation for Jesus to be in every aspect of our lives! Thanks for sharing such a timely story Carly…encouraging!

  4. “nothing special” is amazing. What a wonderful way to start my morning. Because of you, it will be started with Jesus. I am still in awe of you Carly and love YOU and what you and Jesus are doing for ME

  5. Carly,
    It’s so great to see your updates. I’m always encouraged how God has worked in your life, and how He has used you as His vessel. Your commitment to the work The Lord has laid on your heart such compassion, and genuine love that is only from Him. God Bless You my child! Can’t wait to see you!
    In Him, Greg

  6. Carly,
    Thank you! I have not had a day off in 3 months not a saturday or a sunday and I have shed tears in the last 2 days over it! Just physically & mentally tired. This is a great reminder that God places my clients in my life for a reason and I do not need a day off because his cause is for the better good. Lately I have been thinking more of me than him. I feel strength as I go back out the second time today showing new clients he has placed in my life, not with my strength but his! Hugs Thanks for speaking up Gods words! Hugs & I miss you!!!!