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I live in the murder capital of the world.
I have lived in the murder capital of the world for two months now.
My tent was a yard away from the biggest drug highway in Honduras. There’s not a lock on my tent. There is no gate around our property.  I ride the public bus everyday with the chance of being robbed at gunpoint.  
Those things are not things I think about all the time; in fact most of us had begun to forget about the negatives of where we were living.We were getting way too comfortable.
Last Friday morning Tony had a talk with us, he re-informed us about where we were living and that we all needed to take more precautions. As soon as Tony brought it too our attention again, one thing after the other started happening to make me afraid.
The whole time we have been here I have not been afraid at all, but this Tuesday I was starting to become fearful. I was starting to worry about my safety. I was starting to doubt. I was starting to let fear consume my mind and that’s exactly what Satan wanted for me.
He wanted me to focus on the bad things that could happen. He wanted me to spend this time consumed by fear and worry so that these last two weeks would be wasted.
That night the spirits of fear and worry were heavy on our team and squad, in our house, and on the property. I felt it like I hadn’t felt it the whole time we have been in Honduras.
So we worshipped.
We sang and shouted praises to our King. We shouted about how good our God is and He reminded me how good He will always be.
We shook the fear. We shook the worry. We laid it at the feet of our Jesus and He took it all.
He took it completely from me and filled me up with more belief, more faith, more trust, and more love for Him.
Now that the fear was off of us and out of the house we figured we should scare it off the property.So we did. We took the shouting and the singing and the praising and covered the whole property.
Instead of being scared I was scaring fear. I was staring that fear right in its face and screaming Jesus’ holy, powerful, mighty name at it.

The fear couldn’t stay because it’s not of Jesus.
It fled so fast.

 As I was standing under a beautiful canopy of sparkling stars, I stared at the full moon that was shining so bright. I realized that if my God is the creator of something so big how could I dare be afraid of something so small. How dare I doubt that my God is bigger than someone or something so small that might want to hurt me.
We serve a giant God. He has us in His hands always. We are never alone.We just have to shout his name and anything not of Him has to go…

So next time you are afraid of anything remember we have a God that is bigger than any fear or worry. We have a God that is so much bigger than anything that Satan ever tries to throw at us.


Psalms 91:5– 16
Isaiah 41:9-10